Caro McCourtie

My Professional Experience

My business career spans over 30 years in international corporate, as a business owner (Australia & NZ based), and entrepreneur, after achieving my business degree in marketing.

I’ve worked as part of leadership teams in account service for major international agencies such as Ogilvy (Unilever), JWT (Kellogg’s) both in Sydney, prior to that I worked in senior marketing positions in the food industry in London (Best Foods) and the liquor industry in NZ (Lion Nathan, Seagram, Allied Liquor: then part of DB Breweries).

Recently I’ve co-owned a health & wellness business in NZ; several digital publishing and online training businesses targeting US, Canada, UK and Australian clients when based in Sydney. As well as creating a marketing consulting company targeting SME’s, with clients in Australia, UK, US and NZ.

I’m formally trained as an executive and leadership coach, completing my 2 year training out of the US, setting up my own Coaching business in the early 2000’s.

I bring all of this front facing professional experience together when I work with my clients, genuinely understanding their distinctive worlds whatever sector they may be in.

I know first hand the complexities of balancing being a leader in your business, and facing challenges in your personal life, having both taken on a front line care giving role when I moved back to New Zealand, and most recently surviving breast cancer after 13 months of active treatment.

Most of us have our own professional and personal challenges we are facing.

By choosing to authentically lead in all areas of your life with clarity, intelligence, empathy, and a determination to achieve success for all involved is what supports us to lead fulfilled, enriched lives.

Being solutions & results focused, I’m recognised for being able to elicit the best from my clients in a way that recognises who they uniquely are. 

I transform your results by identifying what the issues really are; developing strategies you feel aligned with; removing obstacles; and holding you accountable so that you achieve the results you desire, continuing to enjoy the successes you’ve worked hard for in your life!

I achieve this through the shifting of attitudes and offering of easy-to-adopt tools leading to effective & sustainable results, namely increased productivity for the individual and bottom line improvement for their organisation all from a base of authentic leadership. 

My training approach centres around customised programs catering to your business’s needs. My style is interactive, energised, and fun with depth, leading to concrete output.

Clients like to work with me because of my innate ability to get to the truth of a situation, building an immediate connection with people.  Creating clarity and a path forward for my clients with empathy whilst maintaining focus on achieving the desired results in a way that is authentic.

I’ve written two books: ‘The Power of You’, and ‘Finding Sprinkles of Joy When Fed A Shit Sandwich’, e-books, a monthly newsletter, as well as marketing copy and content.  I have spoken on stages around the globe on personal and professional development topics such as authentic leadership; digital marketing; and surviving breast cancer.

Some of my clients include Pinehurst School, Capstone Hotels, Heilala Vanilla, Mark Vette/Dog Zen, Kelly Flavell Law, in New Zealand.  SwissRe, St George, AMP, rldesign, PKF, Hillross Financial, Schroders, Principal, Saatchi & Saatchi, Sudler & Hennessy, Maximus, BAS Systems, Allstate, SWAP, Centrum Events PTY, AFA, JSP Alexander Mann, Oops in Australia.

The Innovative Edge, Proxicom, Salt Cellar, 30DC Inc in the US, and Telefocus and The Leading Edge in the UK.

While this bio has been about me – to give you some background and context to who I am – I would love to meet with you and find out more about how I can support you to transform your results through authentic leadership, so you enjoy unstoppable success

Please book a complimentary, no obligation 45 minute Consultation with me, here:

smile, laugh, happiness-5128742.jpg

To give you more of a feel of who you work with, here’s a bit about what is important to me.

I revel in success and achieving results. I’m driven and very solutions oriented.

I care deeply, believing in practicing kindness to others, and to myself. I’m a passionate advocate of authenticity and emotional intelligence, having grown and developed my own through the ups, downs, and sideways of life.

I have a deep love of animals, and see myself as a cat and a dog person, with a penchant for lizards from my years in Australia.

Having been a primary caregiver, I’m also a vocal advocate of Aged Care, having learned so much when discovering that world. I take great pride in being given the privilege to have supported my parents through what was for each, very difficult ageing journeys.  Harrowing and rewarding are my top adjectives for that role.

Family, health and fitness, sailing, and to balance it out, fine wines are also important to me.

Even more so when facing my own challenge with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer. ‘Finding Joy when being forced to eat a Shit Sandwich’ was fundamental to my success of now being cancer free, and is the title of my book!

I’m as imperfect as the next person, possibly with a little more self awareness around my behaviours, whether I’m basking in the light, my favourite place; or venturing into the darker side when triggered by stimulus, recognising what is going on when I feel a surge of negative emotion knock on my door, using my own tools and experience to work through it so I go back to basking in the light of life.

I love life, I love people, I believe our lives are what we make it, and I would be honoured to be part of your process to authentically achieving your professional and life goals! 

Please book a complimentary, no obligation 45 minute Consultation with me, here: